Edgewood Memory Support Unit Dining Area and Courtyard

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Dining Area and Corridor

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Participatory Kitchen

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Dining Area and Participatory Kitchen

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Activity Area and Resident Room Doorways

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Activity Area

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Corridor

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Plan

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Nurses Station View

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Nurses Station

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Nurses Station and Corridor

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Resident Room

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Resident Room

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Resident Rest Room

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Room Plan

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Millwork Detail

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Room Identifiers

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Central Secure Courtyard

Edgewood Memory Support Unit Secure Courtyard